For details, see Using Script Files. Directs CDB/NTSD to start with a Dbg, Srv implicit command line instead of an explicit procedure to run. This choice is the client side of dbgsrv -pc. lines, Sets the approximate number of commands in the command history which can be accessed throughout remote debugging.
Passes control of this debugger to the kernel debugger. If you are debugging CSRSS, this control redirection constantly is active, even if is not specified. (This option can not be utilized throughout remote debugging-- use rather.) See Controlling the User-Mode Debugger from the Kernel Debugger for details. This option can not be utilized in conjunction with either the choice or the alternative.
For instance, you can not use the Locals window, the Disassembly window, or the Call Stack window, and you can not step through source code. This is due to the fact that Win, Dbg is only functioning as a viewer for the debugger (NTSD or CDB) running on the target computer. Passes control of this debugger to the kernel debugger, unless a debugging client is linked.
This alternative can not be utilized in conjunction with either the option or the choice. Event, Signals the debugger that the defined event has occurred. This option is only used when starting the debugger programmatically. Sets the default expression critic. If is specified, MASM expression syntax will be used. If is specified, C++ expression syntax will be utilized.
See Assessing Expressions for details. Triggers the debugger to ignore any questionable signs. When debugging a user-mode or kernel-mode minidump file, this alternative will also avoid the debugger from packing any modules whose images can't be mapped. For details and for other techniques of managing this, see SYMOPT_EXACT_SYMBOLS. Ignores the preliminary breakpoint in target application.
See Preliminary Breakpoint for details. Overlooks the last breakpoint at procedure termination. By default, CDB stops throughout the image run-down procedure. This option will trigger CDB to exit right away when the kid terminates. Solution Can Be Seen Here has the same effect as getting in the command. To learn more, see Controlling Exceptions and Occasions.